Saturday, 6 November 2010

Week 4 newsletter

Week 5 next week, is it just me or it this term going really fast?

We have been doing lots of excellent learning in the last two weeks!

The children are all settling in really well and making lots of great friends, not only in room 3 but in the other new entrant and year 1 classes.

The books are being moved from the old to the new library next week and so we will not be going to the library next Thursday. I can keep any library books that come back to school so that they are ready to be returned the following week. Therefore, room 3 will be able to choose a book from our class browsing box next week which might be something they have already read.

Room 3 would really appreciate some construction materials and bits ‘n bobs such as glitter, shiny card/paper, balls of cotton wool etc for our Christmas activities.

What's coming up?

Week 5

Wednesday 10th November 12.30 - 3pm. Senior show at Ngaio Marsh Theatre – thank you very much to those of you who have offered to help supervise this. Room 3 now has all the parent support we need for this trip.

Week 6

Wednesday 17th November 3.30 - 6pm. Thursday 18th 3.30 - 8pm. Teacher-Parent meeting for those children who have been at school for 5/6 weeks. Please see below for when I’ve allocated a meeting with me.

Wednesday 17th November

4:15 : Ema

4:30 : Jasmine

5:30 : Noah

Thursday 18th November

4:00 : Zoe

4:15 : Nicholas

4:30 : Riley

4:45 : Alan

Week 7

Orchestra Demo Concert - The school orchestra will demonstrate all the instruments that will be available to learn next year. Should you wish your child to learn an instrument a form will go home following this concert for you to fill in for next year's tuition.

Week 8

Junior Athletics Day - Run, Jump Throw day 11 - 1pm Thursday 2nd December. This is the Junior version of athletics day where the emphasis is on participation. This is only for the junior school and parents are welcome to come and watch and then share lunch with them afterwards. Sport uniforms to be worn on this day. (Postponement day is the 6th December)

Read, Feed, Speed Day - Day for the Dad's to come in and have some fun with their children. They will come to the classrooms and read with their children, then share in a sausage sizzle and then partake in some physical activity on the fields in a very friendly class game of soccer. Friday 3rd December

Learning reports – These will be sent home for you to look at.

Week 9

Teacher-parent meetings – will take place for those children who had not been at school for 5/6 weeks by week 6. More information will come out nearer the date.

Week 10

Learning reports – will be due back to school.

Cathedral Visit - Thursday 16th December. Come and listen to the lovely singing voices of the junior team as they sing Christmas Carols at the Christchurch Cathedral.

Final School Assembly - You will be welcome to take your children home straight after the assembly. This assembly starts at 9.30 and should finish about 10.30am.

That's all for now, hopefully you enjoyed the sunshine this week – shame about today !

Abi Smart

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